Monday, February 11, 2013

The Mammoth Book of Nebula Awards - SF

Quite a nice looking read...

There is something about finding a little gem like this on your travels that makes it feel like an old friend.  I picked this one up at the airport after a competition in Sydney.  I was on the way home but still far enough away to feel quite removed from everything familiar.  To me books are a great source of comfort and reassurance.  Even if you don't know where you are headed next or what you are in for, you always know you can turn to its pages for an escape. 

Published in 2011 it is definitely the newest works in my possession.  The cover is still smooth and perfect, the spine has a slight crease as it is quite a large novel.  Just from the cover alone you can tell you are in good company.  I picked up this book not because I knew any of the authors but because it just called to me.  Good quality artwork really does make all the difference.

One of my favourite stories in this book is by Kage Baker, the Nebula Award winner and most fantastic writer.  "The Women of Nell Gwynne's" is a fantastic steam punkesque story of women using their assests in more ways than one.  The almost theatrical style of writing drew me in, kept me wanting more.  This was in direct contrast to "Spar" written by Kij Johnson, which is an entire story of an alien raping a woman in space and, in turn, the woman raping the alien.  I am sure I there is some kind of deeper meaning to it all but I could not find it amongst the graphic details of general rapery.  Perhaps I will read it again to find out.  Probably not.

There are stories of alternate realities and interesting theories on quantum physics.  Literally something for everyone!  Overall this anthology contains some of the best modern science fiction I have read to date.  Despite the odd story of bizzare alien relations and such, it is actually a brilliant book.  If nothing else it pulls you out of your comfort zone and amazes you with possibilities of worlds unlike ours.  There is also the comfort that if you dislike a story there are plenty more to explore.

4 out of 5 Stars

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm always on the look-out for modern day sci-fi. That second story does intrigue me though..
